Thursday 28 August 2014



  1. Bulan Sya'ban merupakan bulan dimana amal-amal kita diangkat untuk dihadapkan kepada Tuhan.

Hal ini berdasarkan hadits riwayat An Nasai dan Abu Dawud dan ditashih oleh Ibnu Huzaimah dari Usamah bin Zaid, katanya,
"Aku berkata, Wahai Rasulullah, aku tidak melihat tuan berpuasa dari satu bulan dari beberapa bulan seperti puasa tuan di Bulan Sya'ban."
Beliau menjawab, "Itu adalah bulan yang dilupakan oleh manusia antara bulan Rajab dan Ramadan. Bulan Sya'ban itu bulan amal-amal diangkat ke hadapan Tuhan semesta alam. Oleh karena itu, aku senang apabila amalku diangkat, sedangkan aku berpuasa."

     2. Bulan Membaca Al-Qur'an.

Diriwayarkan dari Anas ra, berkata,
"Adalah orang-orang muslim apabila masuk bulan Sya'ban, mereka membuka mushaf-mushaf Al Qur'an dan membacanya, mengeluarkan zakat dari harta mereka untuk memberi kekuatan kepada orang-orang yang lemah dan orang-orang miskin untuk melakukan puasa Ramadan."

Berkata Salamah bin Suhail,
"Telah dikatakan bahwa bulan Sya'ban itu merupakan bulannya para qurra' (pembaca Al Qur'an)."

Dan adalah Habib bin Abi Tsabit apabila masuk bulan Sya'ban dia berkata,
"Inilah bulannya para qurra'."

      3.  Pada setiap malam nisfu Sya'ban, Rasulullah SAW selalu mendoakan umatnya, baik yang masih hidup mahupun yang sudah meninggal.

Dalam hal ini, Sayyidina Ali ra menceritakan sebagai berikut,
"Susungguhnya Rasulullah SAW keluar pada malam ini (malam nisfu sya'ban) ke Baqi' (kuburan dekat masjid Nabawi) dan aku mendapatkan beliau dalam keadaan memintaan ampun bagi orang-orang mukmin laki-laki dan perempuan dan para syuhada."

Banyak hadits-hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad bin Hambal dalam kitab musnad beliau, Imam At-Tirmidzi At-Thabrani, Ibnu Hibban, Ibnu Majah, Al Baihaqi dan An Nasai, yang menetapkan bahwa Rasulullah SAW adalah memuliakan malam Nisfu Sya'ban dengan memperbanyak shalat, doa dan istighfar.

Jadi, bukanlah perbuatan bid'ah dan bukan pula perbuatan aneh jika malam nisfu Sya'ban dijadikan malam untuk banyak berzikir, berdoa dan istighfar dan melakukan shalat bagi kaum muslimin.

Dari 'Amr bin Qais Al-Mula'i apabila masuk bulan Sya'ban dia menutup tokonya dan meluangkan waktu (khusus) untuk membaca Al-Qur'an."



       There are over 250 million computers in use in just the United States alone. They do everything from streamline and control the operations of major manufacturing plants or huge institutions to allowing a person to communicate via the Internet from the comfort of their own living room.

       Most of us are now indeed conditioned to run all these various system checks on a regular basis, many of us still find ourselves complaining about PCs that crash and freeze, computers that make strange and disturbing noises and annoyances such as a disk drive that refuses to read disks properly any more.


  1. To protect a computer from this dangerous intrusion costs less per computer, yet it is still overlooked by many people.
  2. A removable, replaceable filter mesh that catches the dust being drawn in before it enters the computer is the best answer available and is a simple way that any computer can be protected from its number one enemy. 
  3. The average computer repair person charges about RM 200 just for the first initial visit and a repair can cost much more, not to mention that precious data that can be lost forever when a computer fails.
  4. Taking five minutes to install this inexpensive safeguard can add years of useful life to the average computer's overall function whatever its make or model.




Intranet is the generic term for a collection of private computer networks within an organization. An intranet uses network technologies as a tool to facilitate communication between people or work groups to improve the data sharing capability and overall knowledge base of an organization's employees.


Workforce productivity: 
Intranets can help users to locate and view information faster and use applications relevant to their roles and responsibilities. Users can access data subject to security provisions - from anywhere within the company workstations, increasing employees’ ability to perform their jobs faster, more accurately, and with confidence that they have the right information. It also helps to improve the services provided to the users.

Business operations and management: 
Intranets are also being used as a platform for developing and deploying applications to support business operations and decisions across the internet worked enterprise.

Cost effective: 
Users can view information via the intranet rather than maintaining physical documents such as procedure manuals, internal phone lists and requisition forms.

Wednesday 27 August 2014




Pull marketing is any method a company uses to generate demand for a product. This is contrasted with “push” marketing, which is a strategy intended to sell out an existing supply of a product.

Modern pull marketing uses various media channels to generate interest about a product or company, encouraging customers to seek out the product or company on their own. This is especially popular and effective within Internet marketing, because pull marketing benefits greatly from independent social behavior like word-of-mouth and the “viral” content effect. 


Company that produce or sells goods can use pull marketing to raise awareness about a product before it becomes available for purchase. Though the results of the marketing campaign are not certain until the product is made available, the manufacturer can save money on production costs by producing fewer units of the product prior to launch, and using the money they save to invest in pull advertising. 

Service industry companies use pull marketing to generate interest in new services or to create positive feedback about the company. If a massage clinic, for example, wanted to increase its business, it could use social media sites to encourage their customers to share information about the clinic with their friends. People are much more likely to buy a product or visit a business on the recommendation of a friend. Through social networking, the massage clinic can rely on some of its existing customers to “advertise” for the clinic through recommendations. 


A pull marketing campaign is customer-focused, but should still start with the analysis of the product the company wants to sell. The company needs to determine what the product's key features are and who is most likely to demand it through extensive market research. 

For instance, a company wanted to open an ice skating rink during the winter, the company should start researching several months before the season to learn the who, what, where, when, and how of creating an ice skating rink in the area. This research could consist of analyzing demographic data about surrounding neighborhoods, and surveying people in a high-traffic area like a shopping mall to find out who is most interested in ice skating.

Using the market research data to tailor their message, the company might develop an advertising plan to generate interest in the new ice skating rink before it opens. Because the purpose of pull marketing is to convince customers to seek out a product on their own, using direct methods of advertising like mail fliers and TV commercials may not be effective.


A pull strategy involves motivating customers to seek out your brand in an active process.

"Getting the customer to come to you"

  1. Advertising and mass media promotion
  2. Word of mouth referrals
  3. Customer relationship management
  4. Sales promotions and discounts

Simple diagram explaining some example differences between a push and pull promotional strategy



 The time of Dhuha begins when the sun is about a spear’s length above the horizon and
it continues until the sun reaches its meridian. Besides that, it preferred to delay it until the sun has risen high a the day has become hot.

The minimum number of 'rakaat' to be prayed is two. The most that the Prophet

(SAW) performed was eight 'rakaat'. Umm Hani narrated that the Prophet (SAW)
prayed eight 'rakaat' of Dhuha and made the taslim after every two 'rakaat'. (Abu Dawud)

After the completion of the prayer, one is recommended to recite the following du’a that are :

According to 'Hadis of Rasulullah SAW' :

When anyone of you awakens in morning, you must give Sadaqah (charity) for every joint (of your body)
Other than that, every 'Tasbih, 'Tahmid' are 'Sadaqah'.

Every 'tasbih' is sadaqah and every 'tahmid' is sadaqah and and every 'tahlil' is sadaqah and every 'takbir' is sadaqah and to enjoin a good action is sadaqah and forbidding an evil action is sadaqah.

Besides that, equal to all of this collectively is (the reward) a person gains from performing 2 'rakaat' at the time of Dhuha (Chaasht).

(Sahih Muslim)

Wednesday 20 August 2014

As long as you are performing prayer,
you are knocking at the door of ALLAH SWT.
And whoever is knocking at the door of ALLAH SWT,
ALLAH SWT will open it for him.

KhadimulQuran / Wisdom for the Seeker